Challenge Lindsay!

Curious about where your favorite TV show or movie was filmed?  Challenge Lindsay to find it!

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  1. Hi, new to your site. Loved the Michael Buble articles. Michael and Lu just had there wedding, and besides the photos of the civil ceremony, and a couple of videos of them waving to a bunch of cameras during the weekend, there is no other pictures of the big day. Would you be able to figure out exactly where the wedding was located? Also, do you have any pictures of his West Vancouver house? Could that be a new mission??

  2. I was wondering if you could find me Viola’s house in Montecito. I know that is the same house filmed as the Independence inn in Gilmore Girls.

    1. It’s a place called Brookfield Farms – 1464 Hidden Valley Rd in Thousand Oaks. It’s a large, gated piece of property and from what I’ve heard none of it is visible from the street. 🙁

  3. Hi Lindsay. I was wondering about the house in The Glass House and also part two, The Glass House: The Good Mother. They are just beautiful and breathtaking houses. Were they just built for the film? I know the first Glass House is suppose to be located in Malibu, CA. Do you have any info about these houses? Thanks.

    1. Hi Diana,
      That’s one I have been asked about a lot. I’ve never seen the movie, but let me rent it and see what I can dig up.
      Happy Stalking :),

  4. Got one for ya…. this one is from a few years back…. Midnight Run…. Robert DeNiros first real attempt at funny, along with Charles Grodin. Great buddy movie, almost cult like status now. Very funny… action…etc…
    The movie was filmed on location throughout…. From New York, to New Zealand to Arizona and of course Los Angeles. DeNiro plays a bounty hunter. Several times throughout the movie it shows the L.A. Bail Bond office that DeNiro works for. There are a couple clues in a few scenes, and I think its around 7th and Los Angeles St, but cant nail it.

  5. hi ive been trying to find the houses from “nightmare on elm street” the remake 2010, people only have the old houses, maybe you could give it a shot. thanks

    1. Hi Jon,

      You may have found out already but if not the houses are in Universal Studios Hollywood – you see them on the tour!

  6. I know someone already asked it before but do you know where is located the beach house of Abby and Gary in “Knots Landing” (season 4)? I was wondering if it couldn’t be 31506 Victoria Point Rd in Malibu?

      1. It is a great movie. One of my favorites. Great cast. I highly recommend it. The house is great. The inside details are wonderful.

  7. Might you know the site of the interior office building in “What Women Want”?
    I’ve seen references to the residence being inside Graystone (sp?) near Chicago, but not the open interior of the office with iron railings and stairs.
    Thank you for your site. Love all your tags for use in cross reference.

  8. Any info or pictures of homes or offices used in the 70’s shows “The Six Million Dollar Man”,or “The Bionic Woman”?

  9. Do you know where the house from the Sitcom “Empty Nest” is located? I’m guessing that it’s somewhere in the West LA area just like the Golden Girls house in Brentwood, but I’ve never found any info. Can you find it???

    1. That is one that Chas and I have been trying to track down for a while. I’ve heard that it is in Bel Air, but we’ve had no luck in locating it as of yet. 🙁

      1. It was a real location. The LM for the show was a regular poster on a Golden Girls/Empty Nest message board and he wrote about driving around Bel Air taking pictures of a bunch of different houses for the show. He couldn’t remember where the house they ended up using was located, though, only that it was in Bel Air. I tried to contact him a while back, but he never wrote me back and now I can’t find that message board anywhere. Ugh!

  10. Have you ever been to Franklin Canyon Park? I was checking it out because its where Andy Griffith and Opie walked around the lake in their opening credits. It looks like several movies and TV shows and album covers have been shot there.

  11. Doogie Howser’s house from the TV show? The characters keep saying ‘Brentwood’, but who knows if that’s where the actual house is located.

    1. That is one that I have always wondered about! Do you have a screen cap of it that you can send me? I can’t recall what the house looks like.

    1. Yes, although I have yet to blog it. Jen Aniston filmed her very first movie, Camp Cucamonga, at Paramount Ranch and I wanted to watch it before I did a post on it. 🙂

  12. Okay, here’s a location I’ve been searching for for a while. You know the 80’s show Our House that your girl Shannen Dpherty was on? I’d love to be able to find the house that the family lived in. I’ve been able to catch a house number painted on the curb across the street, which I’m pretty sure was 159. There’s also a small mountain in the background to the left of the house and I also see it when they do scenes at Shannen’s high school. I do know that a few scenes that take place elsewhere were shot in Culver City, but maybe only because it was close to the studio. Here’s a clip that shows the house in the theme, and then there’s a scene that takes place outside the house as well: I’ve been watching reruns locally on INSP, and there are a ton of scenes shot outdoor, but I haven’t been able to get any better clues! Any leads at all would help! Thanks! 🙂

    1. i found it! it has changed a ton in the last 20+ years of course, but it was still exciting to drive by and see it. i can understand now why you enjoy “stalking” so much – it’s like a treasure hunt in a great big city and it’s fun to succeed at it 🙂

        1. You’re close! I came upon an address for something totally unrelated on Cahuenga that was in the hundreds so looked at a map to see which parallel streets also had that number. I knew it wasn’t upscale enough to be Hancok Park (or anywhere west of that), and figured it would have to be east of Western. So I did the best job I could looking at online maps and confirmed the neighborhood looked right, but not having had enough experience (like you!) I just had to get in my car and drive up and down the streets. It turned out to be at 158 S Kingsley. So see, you were close! Did you watch the show years ago? If so, you must stalk it to see just how much it has changed. Thanks for the effort you were putting in 🙂

          1. Nice work!!!! Can’t believe you drove up and down the streets – that is serious dedication! I ended up going by the house this past weekend. Can’t believe how much it has changed! I never watched the show, but I’ve always wanted to. I am going to try to rent the series on DVD. 🙂

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